Automating Your Grocery Store Using Barcode Printers and RFID Readers


Bringing Inventory into the Future

Imagine for a moment: a patron casually walks into your grocery store, peruses the aisles with whimsy, fills the grocery cart with cans and boxes and walks right up to a smiling cashier to pay for their items. It sounds like a lovely experience, doesn’t it? However, when you begin to delve into the details associated with running a grocery store it’s not always that way.  Ensuring that your customers’ shopping experience is exceptional every time can sometimes seem unattainable.

The List

Some  happy patrons will find themselves walking down the aisles in search of nothing in particular. The majority of grocery store visitors are there to accomplish one thing: “the list.” These customers expect to get in and get out as quickly as they can. The onus falls on the store owner to aid them in this task. Having an easily identifiable and well stocked store so customers can choose to shop on a whim is crucial to success in this industry. Luckily, the days of manually counting the number of items that are in inventory are behind you. The widespread adoption and use of barcode printers and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) readers is empowering an entire generation of store owners to take control.

Workflow Simplicity

Using a barcode printer means being able to quickly print labels or tags for every item in your store, without the fear of duplicating or missing one, while an RFID reader identifies the labelled or tagged objects wirelessly and transmits the inventory information to a central hub that houses all inventory based information. It is plain to see how these two technologies can expedite workflow while simultaneously reducing human error. In fact, barcode printers and RFID readers can mobilize any business without losing touch with that central hub.

Some additional benefits of using RFID readers and barcodes include:

  • the range at which the barcodes can be read (10-15 feet)
  • a the large amount of information can be stored in the barcodes
  • barcodes are customizable  for myriad applications.
  • a barcode printer means more accuracy in labeling and tracking your inventory

It makes sense to use these technologies to manage your grocery store’s inventory; your customers demand it and you deserve it.