Effective Mobile Application Management Can Break Down Barriers to a Mobile Workforce

mobile workforce, smiling man and staff

Even with all the enterprise mobility solutions available, barriers still exist

The technology that the 21st century has come to depend on is infiltrating the workforce at a rapidly increasing pace. For years, a basic company cell phone was the only proof of mobility. But more and more, businesses are going mobile with customized business apps used by smart phones, tablets and computers. “Going mobile” means that employees have the ability to work from any place that has a Wi-Fi connection. Enterprise mobile solutions like these sound great, but many businesses have expressed concerns about certain barriers to enterprise mobility. It is true that these barriers do exist, but with a good system for mobile application management, these obstacles can be effectively eliminated. Here are some common barriers and their solutions:

Travelling employees

One barrier to enterprise mobility is the mobility itself. While working from home does not present as many issues with a reliable internet connection, travelling sometimes does. The ability to connect at all times was the main solution of enterprise mobility when it came to the problem of employees who travelled or worked from home. It is a bit ironic that travel has become one of the biggest concerns of companies thinking about going mobile. Sometimes an internet connection just isn’t available, and this is a cause for concern for companies where changes need to be delivered to offsite employees quickly. While this problem will never disappear completely, the right mobile application management can remedy this problem. There are many apps that can continue to work outside of an internet connection and with ever-increasing Wi-Fi signals worldwide, connectivity issues are lessening.

Employee Buy-in

This problem can occur for a variety of reasons:

1. Poor training – If there are people on staff who are having  issues using your mobile application, it could be because the training provided failed to educate employees in an effective manner.

2. Inflexible – If your application is only for Android while many employees prefer to use Apple products, there could be resistance towards using an operating system they are unfamiliar with.

3. The app is not user-friendly – Look for an app that is versatile, easy-to-use and intuitive.


Security is a leading concern for companies who deal with sensitive and confidential information. Some may not be able to understand how a mobile workforce can offer any security for their clients’ information. However, considering that many businesses are using Cloud services and the increasing strength of security features of many applications, companies can trust that their information is safe and secure.