Staging and Deployment

Unboxing the Datalogic Memor 20

17 May 2022

The Memor 20 was introduced by Datalogic in April 2020 as the big brother to a well-known rugged Android unit known as the Memor 10. The Memor 20 is designed with barcode scanning in mind for Retail, Healthcare, Transportation and Logistics, and Manufacturing operations. The Memor 20 has combined the top features of a smartphone […]

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The Secret Behind Successful Mobile Device Deployments

7 February 2022

Top 3 Reasons why Automations are Key for Successful Mobile Device Deployments Mobile devices have become a normal tool used in our daily lives. Not only do we use these devices constantly in the home to check emails, visit social media, and make bank transactions, employees use these devices to make their workloads easier to […]

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An Overview of Enterprise Mobility Helpdesk

16 December 2021

Mobile Helpdesk Support provides first-level user support services for clients who prefer to offload and outsource tasks from their primary IT support organization-saving critical resource time. Extending your bottom line At PiiComm our staff are trained by manufacturers and technically certified on multiple product lines. Think of our technical staff and Mobile Helpdesk team as […]

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The Driving Force Behind Why Organizations Are Embracing an MDM Strategy

6 October 2020

The Driving Force Behind Why Organizations Are Embracing an MDM Strategy Within the last ten years, the demand for mobile devices has skyrocketed. Today, over 31.3 million Canadians are avid smartphone users. It is estimated that by 2022 that number will rise to 32.3 million. As the internet world evolves, the impact it has on the […]

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Deploying Enterprise Mobile Solutions

6 August 2015

How to Integrate Unified Communication and Enterprise Asset Management for Beginners Your business is thinking about looking into enterprise mobile solutions and how they can help your employees to collaborate and communicate from wherever they may be, whether in the field, on a business trip, or working from home. But enterprise mobility is a complex […]

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Implementing Enterprise Mobile Solutions: BYOD

27 July 2015

From Encrypted Data to Secure Mobile App Development Deploy Your BYOD Strategy with a Plan The Blackberry was a big breakthrough for enterprise mobile solutions—a handheld device that could make phone calls, send emails, and be used for a number of work applications? At the time, that was not only revolutionary, but very simple and […]

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